My Artwork from My Childhood Days

The Memories of my Artworks

After cleaning up some old things in the closet, I never thought I would find these items which I’d forgotten for years – My artworks!! – It’s giving this sudden nostalgic feeling.

I remember when I was still in high school, I could spend a whole day trying to draw the “anime cartoons” I loved watching. It inspires me. I feel like I can see every shade of different colors on each from every angle of the cartoon character. That is when I started drawing and colored it using regular colored pencils.

For a teenager with nothing much to show, it’s a great achievement of being able to draw something that almost resembled the original copy of the card. Although the artworks now are a bit old the memories I had with it is still fresh, young, and inspiring.

The same feeling as a teenager that always hopes for something wonderful to happen.

You can never compare the life you had when you were still young. They are memories to treasure up until you grow old. Good thing I’ve managed to scan a copy of my artwork and you could see them below.

Hope this can also inspire children and teenagers to practice arts instead of spending more time with cell phones.

I’ve only used a regular drawing pad and sets of colored pencils. I usually draw a grid first to serve as my guideline when I draw. Then I put heavy pressure when coloring using the pencils like burnishing and blending it so the art can be realistic and lively.

This was like 18 years ago. Oh my… Where have I been?.. It was like yesterday when I did this.

There’s so much going on when you get older. I wish I can continue with my artworks and maybe with enhanced skills and medium this time. 🙂


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